
 🙋 I am currently studying for a Ph.D. at Nanjing University of Science and Technology 🏢 NJUST, a member of📖 IR&TM group. My research focus on 📝information extraction;This blog is mainly used to fork some projects and methods related to information extraction for the continuous learning and progress. Those projects includes but are not limited to 🔹Named Entity Recognition(NER),🔸Relation Extraction(RE),🔺Text Classification(TC), and others in the field of text mining. 🙌Looking forward to communicate with researchers interested in these topics.🚀


Likes👋:programming, travel
Sport💪:Basketball🏀, Swimming🏊‍♂️, Fishing🐟, etc…
Match📺:La Lakers(die hard Laker fan💜), Golden State Warriors
Addrs🏠:Nanjing University of Science and Technology, No. 200, Xiaolingwei, Nanjing, China

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